
MPC Film | Bangalore, India | Jan 2017 - Present

Software Engineer, Furtility Team | Partcipated in development and refactoring of the in-house tool for creating photorealistic hair, fur, feathers and other fibre, like clothing. Was credited for my work on 2019's Lion King remake.

Software Engineer, Intern (Jan - Aug 2017) | Investigated whether OpenVDB 4.0, which had support for storing point data grids, can be used in MPC's pipeline for storage of particle data. Gained exposure to working with houdini and creating plugins.

Edreams Edusoft | Bangalore, India | May 2015 - Jul 2015

Summer Intern | Designed and developed an android version of the company's e-learning software - funtoot. Built an end-to-end android application, retrieving image intensive data and designing interfaces to display them.

University of British Columbia | Vancouver, Canada | Sep 2019 - Present

MSc in Computer Science | Graduate Research Assistant in the Sensorimotor Systems Lab at UBC, part of the larger graphics lab Imager| Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Introductory Computer Graphics course in Fall 2019 and Spring 2020.

Programming : C++, Python, Lua, some javascript

Technologies and Frameworks : OpenGL, VTK, Qt

Familiar with : Maya, Katana, Houdini, Unity, MEL, HTML

Simulation, rendering, and building clever tools to aid the creative process.

More details on the projects page

Cloth Simulator

Built a simple cloth simulator in python based on Baraff and Witkin's 1988 SIGGRAPH paper, "Large Steps in Cloth Simulation".

Numerical Methods

Implemented various numerical methods in MATLAB as part of the advanced numerical methods course at UBC.

Fluid Simulator

Based on Jos Stams' early papers, built a fluid Simulator using Modern OpenGL.

Minimalistic Ray Tracer

A Ray Tracer implemented based on Peter Shirley's 'Ray Tracing in a Weekend' series.

Medical Visualisation

An interactive visualisation and editing system for medical images, converts medical scans into 3D models, which can be used for 3D printing.

Traffic Modelling using Numerical Methods :

Used numerical methods to find the equation of the road, estimate traffic density and suggest placement of traffic signals.

  • Incoming Student Volunteer at SIGGRAPH 2021
  • Student Volunteer at SIGGRAPH Asia 2017, Bangkok
  • I Attend the Grace Hopper Conference in North America every chance I get!
  • Shortlisted as one of the 6 finalists in Dreamworks FX Challenge 2016 on Hackerearth.
  • Nominated for the title of 'Rookie of the Year 2017' at MPC Bangalore.
  • Participated in the Morgan Stanley Women's Coding Challenge(2015) and was selected to be part of their mentorship program for women in technology.